My favorite sport!
United High Disc Golf Club News click here.
I discovered disc golf while in college in the 80's. Back then, it was played with frisbees, and the courses were very short. It was called Frisbee Golf, or Frolf, but now the official name is Disc Golf. I was quite good with a frisbee and really enjoyed this 9-hole course in Elmwood Park in Omaha that was tree-lined and made you shoot very accurately. I once scored 10 under par on a round! Later, after relocating to Laredo, I found that there were no disc golf courses within 150 miles, and I fell out of practice. Many years later, I was on the campus of CSU, and played on their course only to find that it seemed ridiculously long. It SAID par 3, but I needed like 5 shots to get there. Then these college guys walk up and say, "It's only a 375' shot, I'm going to have to hold back on this one." and they float this strange looking disc out past the hole. Wow! I had to get one of those discs! and I did, except it didn't really fly like my frisbee did and I had no control and not much more distance. I learned the hard way that there are LOTS of discs out there, and that most are not beginner friendly. Much later, after wasting time and $$ on discs I still don't throw well, I discovered that a putter flies much more like a frisbee, and played exclusively with one of these whenever I was near a course, far from my home. People started texting me about some course going up in Laredo. No way, really? and my boys and I headed out to North Central Park and sure enough there were some baskets up. We started playing, and as the weeks progressed, more and more were appearing, and we figured out the layout and now we have a full-fledged 18 hole course, thanks to Charlie San Miguel, a City Councilman here in town.
If you want to learn the game and learn from my mistakes, follow along on the following links, and we'll get you hooked on one of the fastest growing sports in the world: disc golf. It's fun, easy to learn, and you can get into the sport for under $10. Where else can you get that?
My purty putter
What are the basics of disc golf? click here.
How do I pick a disc or disc set for me and my family? click here.
Where can I get discs? click here.
How do I throw this thing? click here.