The Disc Golf Club!

We officially kicked off a disc golf club at united High on 4/1/16! No April Fools joke!

Austin Allen will be president, Austin Aleman was voted Vice President, Cindy Guzman is historian, and Jorge Lopez is publicist.

We decided to meet each Friday after school in Room E134. You need to get a disc or two. We discussed getting a midrange or a putter and really getting to know that disc well before moving on to more discs. Recommended discs were the Buzz, Ibex, and Cobra. Head to the main disc golf page and look for "where do I buy discs?" for some recommended online stores. I also have a few used and a couple new ones I can let go.

Here's a map of our course with distances and par info. As a new player, play holes 1-4, 6, 7, 9 and 10 and go home (or play them again!) When you can consistently par at least half of those, start adding in the other holes (using a spotter!) Playing the hardest holes as a beginner leads to lost discs, much wasted time looking for lost discs, and frustrations like getting a 17 on a hole. Trust me. Once you have control, those holes are still frustrating. Or easy birdies. Depends on the day.

Questions? email me at:

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